
When is Acid reflux chronic?

When the acid reflux occurs several times in a week, the GERD can develop. But the person who has occasional or normal heartburn can also suffer from the GERD. Whether you have occasional pain or chronic pain, GERD can happen anytime to anyone. The symptoms and signs of the acid reflux and GERD are the same, but the occurrence of GERD is more frequent than the acid reflux. 

Pain in the chest, dry cough, and burning sensation on the heart are some common symptoms of GERD. The mild GERD problems can be treated by any doctor. Most of the time, the over the counter medicines work the best for GERD. But for the severity of the problems, special care needs to be taken and if emergency surgery should be done to get rid of the problem.
According to http://mygerdandrefluxcure.com basic treatment for the GERD starts with the modification of the lifestyle and reforming the diet chart. Quitting smoke and alcohol, taking exercise, eating properly, sleeping timely, can help you a lot to get the best solution of GERD.
When the Gastroesophageal reflux disease refers to physicians, the occurrence of increased reflux of gastric acid contents in the esophagus due to a disturbed occlusion mechanism of the lower esophageal sphincter, the problem can be considered as mild to severe depending on the symptoms of the patients. Complaints such as heartburn, belching and difficulty swallowing are the result of irritation and damage to the esophageal mucosa. The transition-related esophagitis is fluid which can cause the acidic sensation on the chest.

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is one of the most common diseases of the digestive tract: About 10% of the population has the symptoms of reflux disease, and about a quarter of those affected have symptoms of reflux-induced esophagitis.
Normally, the sphincter at the transition from the esophagus to the stomach prevents gastric contents from entering the esophagus. Occasionally, however, this may happen Reflux barrier fails and acidic gastric contents flow back into the esophagus. Consequences are heartburn with burning pain and pressure behind the sternum. This reflux occasionally occurs, however, after a high-fat meal, but can go into a morbid form and then trigger the typical reflux symptoms: the heartburn heaps up, the victim must often burst open, often chomping flows back into the esophagus. He may also suffer from dysphagia. The feeling of pressure behind the sternum can be so severe that initially a heart disease is suspected.
Accompanying often occurs complaints such as an irritating cough and hoarseness, which can simulate a respiratory disease. An imminent long-term complication is the transformation of the chronically inflamed esophageal mucosa into esophageal cancer.
So, the GERD should be identified on time and get the best treatment for it.
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